Top 5 Wednesday|Oct.26,2016

My second Top 5 Wednesday. This challenge (or meme) was created by Lainey. You can join the Goodreads group here.

This week’s topic is:


–These can be settings that exist in books or ones you’d like to see in books. Also, if you are like me, you don’t really have to make this about horror or scary settings. You can also use eerie, atmospheric settings. Macabre settings. Eclectic settings. I’m not a scary horror person either, but I do enjoy the latter

Here are my top 5 spooky places:

  1. Dolls


I know dolls are not a place. However, every single room or place that has creepy dolls in it becomes spooky for me. :S Even looking at the gif above it gives me the chills.

At the same time, I would love to read a book about creepy dolls.

2. Communist Prisons

It is more what happen in them that makes these prisons spooky and creepy. I would love to read a novel based on these terrible events, but I doubt it – most Westerners don’t even know what happened there.

3. Dark Forests


Simply because you don’t know what lurks in them. It can be wolves, bears, criminals or who knows what else. Also, when it’s dark you have the impression that the objects are something else.

I’ve read books with this setting, or at least they had some scenes with this setting. The one that comes to mind is Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows.

There are also legends with cursed forests and stuff. I would love to read a book about a group of people going into one of these forests.

4. Houses with a dark past


In other words, houses where people were killed, or tortured. They tend to have a dark could over them, and some people cannot feel at peace in them.

I don’t think I’ve read a book set in a creepy house. I would love to read one. If you know such books, let me know.

5. Graveyards at night


I don’t have a problem with cemeteries during the day, other than the fact that they’re sad places. However, at night they tend to be spookier.

There are also legends with people rising from the dead, or their spirits coming at night and haunting people. Maybe I will write the Romanian legends about “vampires”. It’s interesting. Let me know if you’d be interested in reading about it.


These were my top 5 spooky places.

If you also did Top 5 Wednesday, let me know in the comments below so I can check your post. If not, tell me also in the comments what are your favorite spooky places.

Until next Wednesday!

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