Book Review| Feeder #1 by Eliza Green


The Feeder Series #1
Eliza Green
Published November 29th, 2016
by Smashwords Edition
Young Adult, Dystopia, Sci-fiction
eARC via Xpresso Book Tours
446 pages

You have to keep moving forward, he says. But I am afraid of change. Change will kill me. When their hometown of Brookfield is poisoned by radiation, seventeen-year-old Anya Macklin and her older brother Jason are relocated to the safe but boring urbano of Essention.

While Jason is put to work, Anya is enrolled in the adult skills course at Arcis, a secretive and heavily monitored education facility. There she must compete with other teenage recruits and earn her place in society by reaching the top floor.

At first, Anya fears change, and is reluctant to advance. But then she meets Dom Pavesi, a brooding, evasive stranger who drives her to discover the rules of this dangerous game where there can be only one winner.

Who is Dom? Which side is he on?

And what terrible truth awaits Anya on the ninth floor of Arcis?

Feeder is Book 1 in the Feeder series.


* I received this book from Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for an honest review. If you want to request it click here. *


The story is set in a future where the technology is super advanced. Machines are part organic, part dead. They also took over the humans and they’re pulling the strings.

I liked the world Green created; it’s very mysterious and fascinating. However, there are a lot of questions that were not answered. I know most of them will be clarified in the next book, but it can be a little bit frustrating.

In general, the plot is about Arcis and what is going on there. Every level has new surprises and new tasks for the ‘students’. Everything is mysterious and it’s one of the reasons why I kept reading – I wanted to know what happens, what are those strange phenomena, who are the rebels, who is the bad guy and so on.

The book has a slow pace, especially in the first part. It starts with a bang, but then plot slows down. It also feels a little bit drag out in the first part – there some fluffy chapters.

However, after the first 40% of the book, the story picks up and it gets really interesting. I got hooked, that’s for sure. Don’t get me wrong, the first part is also good – otherwise, I wouldn’t have kept reading the book.


Anya and Jason seem to be the main characters. The story is told from different perspectives: Anya, Jason, and Carrisa.

A little bit about each character:

Anya – athletic, loyal, kind, naive. She is an interesting main character, although sometimes she is not very ambitious, nor suspicious. It takes her quite a while until she starts to question the program, what happened with her parents, who are the rebels and so on. However, she is a good and loyal friend, which is what I like about her the most.

Jason – responsible, loyal, good big brother. I liked the fact that he questioned everything, and he didn’t believe everything he was told. Likewise, he always thinks of Anya and wants to help her. I loved his chapters.

Dom – a little bit of a mystery, but quite intriguing. He is older than Anya with a couple of years. Dom is also a double agent.

Carrisa – the copy. She is fascinating. I hope in the next book she will play a bigger role.


There is some romance in this novel, but it’s not the main plot. Anya and Dom develop feelings for one another, but they’re not the only couple or people in love.

There were some moments where I thought Anya acted a little bit childish – way too many scenarios, especially since most problems could’ve been solved with open communication.


Overall a great beginning to a new series. I will read the next book in the series, that’s for sure. I’m hooked!

To summarize:


ツ Interesting plot
ツ Great descriptions
ツ Action
ツ Complex characters
ツ The science fiction parts
ツ The world created


☹ Slow paced, especially the first part
☹  Too long…at least for me
☹ Many unanswered questions


Yes, absolutely. I think science fiction lover will enjoy this new series. Likewise, young adult lover will also appreciate it.


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