About Me

My name is Laura – the Spanish pronunciation- and I’m in my 20s. I have dual citizenship – Canadian and Romanian. I like reading and reviewing books, which is the reason why I created this blog. I read all sorts of books – Young Adult, New Adult, Adult Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Historical Fiction, Non-Fiction, Children Literature and so on.

I like and I’m trying my best to support authors, especially the ones less known or newbies. I know it takes a lot of effort, blood and sweat to write and publish your own book – and after that it comes the promotion part. Which is why I love being a tour host and to post book blitz.

I also like writing, but I’m not good at writing fiction. Essays, research papers are my forte.

I like classical music, folk, traditional music – not the same thing with folk or country -, metal, and pop. However, I don’t limit myself to only these genres – if I like a song, then I like it.

I also like watching film, although I don’t keep up with the new releases. However, I do keep up with some TV-Shows, like The Originals – can’t wait for the new season.

I have a cat and a lovebird. One of my wishes is to have a dog – I never got the change to have one, unfortunately.

Therefore, welcome to my blog. I hope you’ll enjoy my posts!


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